Avoid air fitting failures and follow these simple instructions!
One of the problems that can be experienced in an on board air system or air bag system install is leaking fittings, valves and other components. Lets start by saying that dust, grit and dirt are not an air systems best friend. It doesn’t take much contamination to foul air components .
The best way to avoid problems is take care with installation. Make sure all airlines are clean and free of any debris whatsoever. Specifically clean out all the air lines before you connect them to any fittings. The best way is to run some air through the air lines to clean them out before pushing them in to the air control system.
When running air line, cover the ends with some masking tape so they are not picking up debris while being dragged through or under the car.
Also make sure you make a good clean cut when trimming the airline to length, push the airline into the fitting firmly and give it a tug backwards to engage the claws.
On a side note I have mentioned before regularly empty the condensation out of your air tanks to avoid contamination of air fittings is a must-do maintenance procedure.
A little bit of care at the point of installation and general maintenance will ensure trouble free operation of your air system.
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